Spreading Kindness Around The World With The Peyton Heart Project

How I found a way to travel with purpose:

The first time I found out about the Peyton Heart Project was in December of 2015.  I was in Honolulu, HI with one of my friends, Jen, waiting to go on a 7 day Hawaiian Islands cruise! We had a couple days to explore Honolulu and decided to take a trip to the zoo.  As we were walking up to see the tiger Jen pointed out something hanging from a vine.  I picked it up and it had a message of Kindness on it and #peytonheartproject.We looked it up and read the story of a 13 year old boy named Peyton James.  While growing up in Texas, Peyton was constantly bullied over many years.  As you can imagine, this took a toll on him and he ended up losing his life to suicide in 2014.  It was a devastatingly sad story to read about. To think someone so young with his whole life ahead of him gone is heartbreaking.  However, it happens way too often. On average, 121 people lose their battles to suicide every day, that’s 44, 193 per year, just in the US. For every one person who dies by suicide, another 25 people attempt suicide.   Bullying and suicide are both topics that are not talked about enough and even worse the stigma of them makes it hard for people to speak up when they are having troubles.

Heart written in French:

Spanish:Thanks to the Peyton Heart Project, created by co-founders, Jill and Sue, there is hope to end that stigma and bring awareness to mental illness.  Peyton’s father, David, helps with their Facebook page and speaks to youth in surrounding Texas high schools about suicide prevention. Each hand made heart, donated from people around the world, represents a life lost to suicide.  While they may have been lost they are not forgotten.  It is to remind us of how precious life is and to not take anyone for granted.  The hearts are a reminder to be kind to one another even when the run around of our daily lives effect our outer core.  As written in my previous blogs, I have opened up about my own father taking his life six years ago.  It was the most devastating day of my life.  There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him, wish I could talk to him, or get one of his world famous dad hugs.  When I found my PHP heart hanging in the zoo, I felt like it was meant for me.  It touched my heart and made me smile because I knew my dad was there with me.  I contacted the Peyton Heart Project in hopes to help spread the words of kindness written on each heart around the world! My goal is to make a difference in just one person’s life whether they are the ones struggling or are hurting from losing someone.  After messaging with Jill about my future trips and how I wanted to help, she got to work putting together over a hundred hearts with tags written in different languages.  My package just arrived today and I can’t wait to start spreading the love.

Thank you all for your support in helping to bring light to a dark topic.


Italian:If you feel suicidal or know someone who is, please contact a suicide hotline, go to your local Emergency Department, police station, call 911, or ask a family member, friend, teacher, neighbor, ANYONE for help: 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline)

-You can make a donation to the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention: https://afsp.org/take-action/give-a-gift/

– To make a donation to the Peyton Heart Project click here:  http://www.thepeytonheartproject.org/make-a-donation/

-Visit They Peyton Heart Project on their website or on their Facebook page.  You can also send a message requesting hearts if you are going on a trip and would like to help spread the love. http://www.thepeytonheartproject.org

If you find a heart please share it on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter #peytonheartproject and #offtheclocknurse 

-To see where I’ve left hearts, follow me on Facebook and Instagram: Facebook.com/offtheclocknurse and instagram.com/offtheclocknurse

-To share in the comments below Upload the pictures to http://imgur.com/upload then Copy the URL, it will look like this : http://imgur.com/a/dwQxh on the right side of your screen and paste it in the comment box on my blog. Once the page is refreshed the picture will appear!

Where #offtheclocknurse will be leaving Hearts2017-Spain, France, Argentina, Italy, Greece, and hopefully Antarctica


  1. ஆன்à®® வெளியெà®™்குà®®் /வியாபித்திà®°ுக்குà®®் அவள் காலடித்தடங்களை /எப்ப்டி சேகரிப்பது/என்à®± யோசனையுடனே விடிகிறதென் காலைithu nallaayirunthuchu kaarkki.


  2. Thanks for the great feedback Mark. This comment got tucked away in SPAM so I didnt see it earlier.Your point on the dinerfeftials is spot on and a great point about Stoke! Oh and I hope I wasnt too harsh on your Stoke in the opposition analysis


  3. The answer to your 2nd question about its affect on humanity is that it is having a huge positive effect. It shows us others around the world, and we start to see they are like us.We fear the unknown, and strangers and foreigners have hiicorstally been the unknown. Governments have exploited this, as excellently portrayed in “1984? by three super-powers in perpetual war. However, the Internet has popularized alternative narratives, and along with recognizing the humanity in all of us, world peace will be possible within the century.Phil Mayes recently posted..  


  4. Mon conseil est de démarré avec un petit site ecommerce, pour se faire la main, en effet il y a tellement de matière à découvrir, c’est du commerce avec des règles spécifiques.De plus les questions de référencement sont fondamentales, combien de beaux sites ne transforment pas, peu de visiteurs, pas d&n&3uo;ergoromies#82q0;


  5. Thank you for sharing this great idea. I gave my hostess club members a challenge for this month and promised them a prize if they pacritipated. This is the perfect prize. Keeping your son in my prayers, and thanking him for his service.


  6. Scusate, ma quelle che dice Antonio M è verissimo, questi calcoli la gazzetta come li fa?? con i piedi o con la testa, e se è con la testa con quale testa???si parla di rosa o degli 11 che vanno più spesso in campo, diciamo che la gazzetta ulinmamette lavora con la testa sbagliata ed avete capito vero di quale testa parlo


    1. I truly enjoy reading on this site, it has got excellent blog posts. “I have a new philosophy. I’m only going to dread one day at a tiem#&.8221; by Charles M. Schulz.


  7. thank you for this enlightening post, even though it was a personal subject for you. I really love seing causes like this that are out there in the world making a difference in people’s lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve been a middle school teacher, and I don’t know if bullying will ever go away, but every thing done to bring awareness helps. People, kids especially, need all the reminders about kindness that they can get.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your comment. The Peyton Heart Project is looking for schools that would like to spread hearts to their students. Let me know if this would interest you. 🙂 Thank you for all that you do!


    2. Thank You for your transparency and honesty Jenika! I think the hardest part for me when I make business mistakes is looking back and knowing (or thinking) the client knows that made mistakes when they begin to see me do things differently with new clinets.bessieakuba recently posted..[] Reply:October 17th, 2012 at 6:10 pmThanks for your note! I think people are often more understanding when we imagine them to be – everyone knows that businesses grow and change, especially art-based ones. Good luck with yours![]

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for sharing this. I had never heard of the Peyton Heart Project but it sounds like they are doing amazing things. Unfortunately I know all too well what it feels like to think suicide is your best option. I’m so thankful I was able to make it through the state of mind but as you said, so many can’t make it through and it’s a terrible shame. Thank you for helping with this great cause. You’re dad would be so proud of you x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for this comment. I try to live my life in ways that would make my dad proud. Although, a part of my heart is missing, I’m hoping I can fill it with his memory by supporting this project.
      Thanks again 🙂


  10. Thank you so much for this comment. I try to live my life in ways that would make my dad proud. Although, a part of my heart is missing, I’m hoping I can fill it with his memory by supporting this project.

    Thanks again 🙂


    1. Th17#&82at;s a hefty list, sis! But I bet it feels good to get it all written down AND to delegate some tasks! I was just checking things off our list this evening. Feels good to get things done. I still need to vacuum upstairs, but most of the important stuff is done, like planting and food prep. I’m glad you still have some time to get things done. It helps to have a bunch of stuff to work on to keep from sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting to go into labor. 😉 Love ya, sis!


  11. I absolutely love this. I am extremely passionate about the mental health and wellness space, but I hadn’t heard of this project and it is a great way to combine our passions with travel. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The Peyton Heart Project sounds such a lovely and simple thing to do. Especially when we think about the troubles that people go through in their daily lives. I’m a mental health ambassador for a website called SeeChange.ie and we try to break down stigma also. I’m so glad to see a post like this – especially amongst your travels!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Such a meaningful project. Unfortunately I do know what it means to get bullied at school. Reading this brougt tears to my eyes. It would somehow also be good if these hearts could reach out to children being bullied so they know they are not alone.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I love this idea and I know it will really make a difference in a lot of people’s lives. It really is important that we pay more attention and try to help people with mental illness

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Sandra, this is Min from CeCi magazine, I sent you urgent press request via email. would you get back to me as soon as poihsble?Tsank you 🙂


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